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Giới thiệu Canva | Canva

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Chúng tôi thành lập Canva vì chúng tôi muốn trao quyền cho cả thế giới thiết kế Giúp chúng tôi chú thích và dịch video này! https://amara.org/v/C0d6E/

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  1. Avatar of Liz Greaves
    Liz Greaves đã bình luận

    Canva is truly amazing

  2. Avatar of Abel Sánchez
    Abel Sánchez đã bình luận

    I love Canva.

  3. Avatar of Jessica Marin
    Jessica Marin đã bình luận

    I LOVE CANVA. I always wanted to dabble in graphic design but I didn't have the patience to learn photoshop so this is a dream come true. I've been using it for years now and I tell everyone I know to use it too. The paid version is worth it!

  4. Avatar of Robin Thompson
    Robin Thompson đã bình luận

    Thumbs down have to be adobe

  5. Avatar of Jachelle Sologuren
    Jachelle Sologuren đã bình luận

    I've been using Canva for what seems like forever! I just upgraded to a professional account last year and I am absolutely loving it. Thank you Mel for never giving up on your dream! <3

  6. Avatar of URHO
    URHO đã bình luận

    Although it was fun, I'm kiiinda glad I didn't finish 4 yrs of Graphic Design and Multimedia and pursue learning and investing in myself instead.

  7. Avatar of Roy Chan Channel
    Roy Chan Channel đã bình luận

    I use canva for my each video insert, really convenient for design beginners ??

  8. Avatar of Carlos Castro
    Carlos Castro đã bình luận

    Sending my love to Canva. Amaaaazing job they are doing there! Talk about unleash your creativity… Most resourceful, up to date, & inspiring service ever

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